15mm Sci Fi Vehicles
A few vehicle I painted up. These are all Mechwarrior clix vehicles that have been repainted(with some minor mods. I went with a pretty normal cammo scheme, sparayed the vehicles a krylon cammo green ultra flat. Added "stripes" of sandstone, then dabbed on smaller patches of a really dark midnight blue. A very thin brown wash follwed by a highlight of a lighter beige color. Then painted on the details. Extremely quick, and I'm happy with the results.
Combat Wombat Hover Tanks and Wheeled APCs/ Scout cars
Cheap plastic dollar store tanks used as light tanks
GZG Unmanned gun tank
Small Escort VTOLs
These are mechwarrior repaints. Done up in a woodland camo. They are a good size for 15mmm, and would make a good alrge VTOL for 6mm as well.

And here's some comparison shots with GZG 15mm FSE infantry.
Missile System
Mechwarrior rebased unit with the guy cut off.
Mechwarrior clix rebased. No paint work done.

These are based on large metal washers with the hole masked off with tape.
Same scheme as above. Only mods were the access hatches. Just made some out of plasticard and added a WWII tank commader to one of them.

Recon Vehicles or small squad APCs.
Same mods, added plasticard hatches and a tank commander to one. Also moved the turret to the front of one and added a radar/comm dish the back from another mechwarrior clix vehicle that wasn't big enought o use with 15mm figs.